MacWorld 2000 January
Macworld (2000-01).dmg
Shareware World
YER 1.0.0
YER 1.0.0 FAT
YER 1.0.0 FAT.rsrc
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Text File
201 lines
kSIGOperationIncompatibleErr = -1970 •context in use for different type of operation
kSDPPersonalDirectoryRepairFailed = -1953
kSDPNoSelection = -1952
kSDPTooManyLoginAttempts = -1951
kSDPNoSearchText = -1950
kSMPTooManyEnclosures = -1928
kSMPTooManyPages = -1927 • Exceeding the image page limit.
kSMPParamCountErr = -1926 • enclosure count != 1, while sendEnclosure Only == true.
kSMPSubjectTooBig = -1925
kSMPInvalidAddressString = -1924
kSMPIllegalSendFormats = -1923
kSMPAddressAlreadyInList = -1922
kSMPRecordDoesNotContainAddress = -1921
kSMPComponentIsAlreadyTarget = -1920
kSMPMailerAlreadyNotTarget = -1919
kSMPIllegalComponent = -1918
kSMPMailerAlreadyExpandedOrContracted = -1917
kSMPMailerCannotExpandOrContract = -1916
kSMPIllegalForDraftLetter = -1915
kSMPCannotSendReceivedLetter = -1914
kSMPNoMatchingBegin = -1913
kSMPMailerUneditable = -1912
kSMPMailerAlreadyInWindow = -1911
kSMPNoSuchAddress = -1910
kSMPNoMailerInWindow = -1909
kSMPCommandDisabled = -1908
kSMPFinderNotRunning = -1907
kSMPHasOpenAttachments = -1906
kSMPNoNextLetter = -1905
kSMPMailboxNotFound = -1904
kSMPShouldNotAddContent = -1903
kSMPMailerNotInitialized = -1902
kSMPCopyInProgress = -1901
kSMPNotEnoughMemoryForAllRecips = -1900
kOCEDirectoryCorrupt = -1646 •Serious disk fill corruption problem
kOCERLIsDontMatch = -1645 •RLIs do not match in lookup
kOCENoSuchIcon = -1644 •no matching icon from GetDirectoryIcon
kOCEMiscError = -1643 •some other error
kOCENoSuchAttributeType = -1642
kOCENoDupAllowed = -1641
kOCEMoreAttrValue = -1640 •attribute value could not fit into buffer (even though it was the only value)
kOCEBadStartingAttribute = -1639 •Lookup starting attribute is not within range
kOCEBadStartingRecord = -1638 •Lookup starting record is not within range
kOCELengthError = -1637 •supplied buffer was too small
kOCEDSAMRecordExists = -1636 •CSAM record already exists
kOCEDSAMNotInstantiated = -1635 •CSAM is not instantiated
kOCEDSAMRecordNotFound = -1634 •CSAM Record not found
kOCEOCESetupRequired = -1633 •LocalIdentity Setup is required
kOCEAborted = -1632 •this call was aborted
kOCEAbortNotSupportedForThisCall = -1631 •this call cannot be aborted
kOCEDirectoryNotFoundErr = -1630 •catalog was not found in the list
kOCEDirListFullErr = -1629 •catalog list is full, try removing an entry
kOCEDSAMInstallErr = -1628 •specified CSAM could not be installed
kOCEPABNotOpen = -1627 •specified Personal Catalog is not open to make the operation
kOCEOperationNotSupported = -1626 •the specified catalog does not support this operation
kOCEStreamCreationErr = -1625 •problem creating stream
kOCERefNumBad = -1624 •RefNum is not valid
kOCEMoreData = -1623 •only a warning - buffer not big enough
kOCETypeExists = -1622 •The type already exists in the record
kOCEAttributeValueTooBig = -1621 •self-explanatory
kOCENoSuchPseudonym = -1620 •the specified pseudonym does not exist
kOCENoSuchAttributeValue = -1619 •The attribute value that was passed in does not exist
kOCENoSuchRecord = -1618 •the specified record does not exist
kOCEBadRecordID = -1617 •invalid RecordID (usually name and/or type don't match cid)
kOCEDNodeUnavailable = -1616 •could not find any servers that serve the requested dNode
kOCENoSuchDNode = -1615 •the requested dNode does not exist
kOCEBogusArgs = -1614 •Args not formatted correctly on the wire
kOCETargetDirectoryInaccessible = -1613 •Catalog server not responding
kOCEDatabaseFull = -1612 •disk is full
kOCETooBusy = -1611 •server cannot complete call at this time
kOCENotLocal = -1610 •the server does not serve the requested dNode
kOCEAuthenticationTrouble = -1571 •generic authentication problem
kOCENoASDSPWorkSpace = -1570 •No ASDSP workspace passed for Open Secure Stream
kOCEAmbiguousMatches = -1569 •ambiguous matches found in resolving CIDs (more than 1 CID)
kOCEOperationDenied = -1568 •LocalID operation denied
kOCEUnknownID = -1567 •identity passed is not valid
kOCENoMoreIDs = -1566 •identity table is full
kOCENotLocalIdentity = -1565 •Use LocalIdentity calls instead!
kOCEDirectoryIdentitySetupDoesNotExist = -1564 •DirectoryIdentity setup does not exist
kOCEDirectoryIdentitySetupExists = -1563 •DirectoryIdentity setup exists, use change instead of setup
kOCELocalIdentitySetupExists = -1562 •LocalIdentity setup exists, use change instead of setup
kOCELocalAuthenticationFail = -1561 •LocalIdentity Login has to be done for this operation
kOCELocalIdentityDoesNotExist = -1560 •LocalIdentity has to be setup
kOCEBadEncryptionMethod = -1559 •the specified encryption method is not supported
kOCEInitiatorKeyProblem = -1558 •either we couldn't find the initiator's key or we found it but couldn't successfully decrypt instructions or proxy
kOCEWrongIdentityOrKey = -1557 •In CheckIdentity, name doesn't exist or key is wrong
kOCEUndesirableKey = -1556 •password too short, key too simple, or trying to change cluster key to the same value
kOCEMalformedKey = -1555 •key is of an unknown encryption method, or key doesn't match password
kOCEKeyAlreadyRegistered = -1554 •entity already has a key
kOCEAgentKeyNotFound = -1553 •in TPFC, agent has no key
kOCERecipientKeyNotFound = -1552 •recipient has no key
kOCEPrincipalKeyNotFound = -1551 •couldn't decode proxy because principal has no key
kOCENoKeyFound = -1550 •found no key for entity in question
kOCEDisallowedRecipient = -1549 •Recipient not specified in proxy
kOCEProxyExpired = -1548 •current time > proxy expiry time
kOCEProxyImmature = -1547 •current time < proxy start time
kOCECredentialsExpired = -1546 •current time > expiry time
kOCECredentialsImmature = -1545 •current time < first valid time
kOCECredentialsProblem = -1544 •couldn't successfully decrypt credentials
kOCEUnsupportedCredentialsVersion = -1543 •don't know how to read that version of credentials